Academic Excellence & Ingenuity

MCO 1: Academic Excellence and IngenuityMission Critical Objective 1

Being ‘The Christian Polytechnic University’ involves a commitment to offering academic programs that fulfill our educational promises and advance our institutional identity. This unique educational calling requires continual reinvestment in an academic enterprise that offers students dynamic educational experiences commensurate with a changing world of technology and innovation.


  1. Recast the General Education requirements and outcomes that reflect “The Christian Polytechnic University” identity and experience.
    Action Items:
    1. The academic leadership will establish a process that will result in the creation and launching of a new General Education curriculum.
    2. The academic leadership will utilize “The Christian Polytechnic University Whitepaper” to inform the General Education highlighting ‘Christian’, ‘Polytechnic’, and ‘University’.
    3. Student learning will be enhanced to include an understanding and appreciation for innovation and entrepreneurship.
    4. A Theology and Vocation curriculum will continue to shape the thinking of all students.
    5. The academic leadership will create a “Christian Polytechnic University” brand and communication plan for the General Education curriculum that expresses its relevance and value to students regardless of academic major or career choice.
  2. Establish and execute a plan for investing in four existing academic programs with the highest potential for enrollment growth.
    Action Items:
    1. Advance engineering and aviation as flagship programs known as the top choice of students in Christian higher education by establishing ambitious enrollment growth plans.
    2. Perform a market-trend analysis of the University’s current academic portfolio to identify two other, existing, high enrollment-growth potential programs.
    3. Establish an ambitious enrollment growth plan for those two programs.

Implementation Team

Ben Caldwell, Carl Arnold, Kristy Morgan, Don Egle, Tim Sceggel