Diversity & Hospitality

MCO 3: Diversity and HospitalityMission Critical Objective 3

Being ‘The Christian Polytechnic University’, LeTourneau University seeks to become a multi-cultural community that values the diversity of God’s creation while answering Christ’s call for unity. Our students will know the theology of diversity and develop cultural competence. We aspire for our Christian community to reflect the diversity of our region and to experience a stronger familial relationship with our Longview neighbors.


  1. The university will lay a foundation for increasing ethnic diversity and representation of women within the university community.
    Action Items:
    1. Develop a theological statement on diversity grounded in Scripture for Board of Trustees adoption.
    2. Complete a biblically-centered cultural diversity and cultural competence audit and an action plan to be implemented.
  2. LeTourneau University will be known for its hospitality toward diverse communities we seek to serve.
    Action Items:
    1. Assess LeTourneau University’s involvement with the City of Longview and the greater East Texas community to determine opportunities and strategies through which the university can meet community needs and increase community engagement.
    2. Put in place intentional, biblically-centered initiatives that will grow the ethnic diversity and female representation of the university Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff.
    3. Implement intentional initiatives that will grow the ethnic diversity and female representation in the student body.

Implementation Team

Kristy Morgan, Alan Clipperton, Cody Bowen, Aaron Brown, Sherry Chance, Scott Dyer, Rachel Frazier, Suma Jayakar, Zach Jones, Isabella Junqueira, Martha Keel, Marty Lane, Sandra Mayo, Pat Mays, Mark Moland, Kristine Slate