Campus Culture, Health & Well-Being

MCO 4: Campus Culture, Health and Well-BeingMission Critical Objective 4

Being ‘The Christian Polytechnic University’ calls for efforts to address the health and wellness needs of students, faculty, and staff. It is well-accepted that young adults across the country face significant mental health challenges in increasing numbers. The university will assure all that we have the resources and commitment to meet these challenges. We also aspire to be a workplace for faculty, staff, and students, that pays close attention to organizational morale, health, and wellness. LeTourneau University will become a top workplace destination within the East Texas community and exemplify the practices and behaviors that make it a career destination.


  1. Improve the success of students by expanding resources to support student mental health.
    Action Items:
    1. Assess the university’s current efforts and capacity to support and treat both on-ground and online students with mental health challenges.
    2. Implement appropriate improvements based on the findings from the university assessment.
    3. Provide the campus with education about mental health issues through print materials, workshops, and chapel services for faculty, staff, and students.
  2. Advance positive employee engagement with workplace improvements.
    Action Items:
    1. Supervisors and supervisees will collaborate to identify tasks and responsibilities that can be reduced or reassigned so employees can focus on their primary core work assignments with efficiency and effectiveness reflecting a “value-add vs. non-value approach.”
    2. Launch a university program related to leadership and management best practices that will provide annual professional development for staff and faculty leaders and their teams.
    3. Recognizing the importance of ongoing faculty development to advance the university mission, the comprehensive campaign will include as a priority the external funding of an endowment to sustain the Office of the Provost Faculty Development Grants.

Implementation Team

Cabinet Leadership: Don Egle, Tim Sceggel
Campus Leadership: Stan Coppinger, Steve Conn, Vicki Sheafer, Phyllis Turner, Ken Johnson, Karl Payton, Jeffrey Quiett