Friday: MCO 4 - Campus Culture, Health and Well-Being

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name — Help us at LeTourneau University—students, faculty, staff—to flourish in Your goodness through our work and studies. May we give You honor in all we do.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven — We ask You to be our King, the King of our mental and physical health. Help us to put aside our own willful choices, so that we may lean into Your will for our lives and for Your kingdom work in this world.

Give us this day our daily bread — We ask You to provide the resources to meet our students’ mental health challenges and to make our workplace one where all employees flourish. As we strive toward mental, physical, and spiritual wholeness on our campus, please help us remember that You, and You alone, are the source of all truth and goodness.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us — Forgive us for not treating our students as whole people, thereby neglecting the mental anguish which many suffer. Forgive us, too, when we have contributed to poor morale by undermining and tearing down the LeTourneau University organization. As leaders, we are sorry for burdening our teams with unnecessary angst. As followers, we are sorry for shirking our responsibilities. Finally, we ask forgiveness for when we have made the concept of work an idol that speaks more about cultural values than godly kingdom values.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil — Please open our eyes that we may see the pain that many of our students and work colleagues carry. Empower us to be Your agents of healing. Use Your power and authority to rid our friends and ourselves of demonic evil, some that we have invited into our lives and some that have come uninvited.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever — We ask You to reign in us to bring healing and restoration to bodies, minds, and souls. We are faced with the question, “Who will you serve today?” May we always respond, “As for me, and my family, and my students, and my colleagues at LeTourneau University, we will serve the Lord.” May Your kingdom reign at LeTourneau University!