Profile Photo: Grant Bridgman, MBA

Bridgman, MBA

  • Senior Director for Communications


B.A., Christian Ministry: Cross Cultural Concentration - LeTourneau University - 2011
MBA - LeTourneau University - 2015



  • Interpreting our organization to the wider external audience.
    • This is less about making sure that "more people" know about LeTourneau, or making sure that people hear our "incredible stories", and it's more about helping connect our mission, brand promise and value statements to the "right" people. In a world where information is rapidly disseminated and readily available, strategic communication is crucial to ensure that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. 
  • Interpreting external information to our organization.
    • While there is no shortage of information accessible about events or occurrences in our world, region, or local community, the way we understand that information depends on a variety of factors. Helping to narrow to focus on what external factors are most critical to the future strategies and goals of our institution requires intentional attention and patient consistence.  


In Humanities/Liberal Arts Language:

In a world where content is king, it is sometimes easy to feel like your work is not unique enough, not powerful enough, or not getting enough of the attention it deserves. In the kingdom of content, everywhere you look there are organizations or individuals clamoring for sole reign over your attention. 
Thankfully there is something more powerful than the content itself. The grander story behind the content. This narrative can be either shallow or deep or many places in between depending upon where its motivation comes from. 

At LeTourneau University, our narrative is rooted in our organizational calling. As THE Christian Polytechnic University, we are a part of a rich and deep saga that remains constant throughout time. The beauty of leaning into this calling is that our work becomes more than a pursuit of special, powerful, or viral moments. Content, then, becomes the medium through which our story is told. We should not be bound to it, confused in it, or ruled by it. Instead we continue to live out our faith in working out our calling. The more we stay true to our calling, the more the content will flourish. Our calling informs our brand identity, and our brand identity is one of the ways we communicate our value to the world of higher education and to our prospective students.

In STEM Language: 

Let's talk about Momentum (linear momentum). 

We are in a time of a great momentum build as a university, and in the context of momentum, both velocity and mass are needed.

The approach to velocity (In this case, defined as speed of content coverage) is being developed and re-evaluated constantly as our team commits to learning more about the incredible stories from LETU, capturing this compelling content and developing policies to provide more agility from our team.

The mass however, should not be ignored. The mass (root substance of the content) is just as important to lean into as the speed of which it is produced. If the “mass” is not calculated correctly, then the velocity does not end up making as much of a difference as one would hope.

Great content is rooted in a compelling story. Compelling stories create branches to many other stories. As our momentum continues to build, so does the reach of our content.  



When he is not behind a camera, conducting an interview, or planning content strategies, Grant enjoys outdoor activities including hiking, camping, and disc golf. He loves music and musical theatre. Mostly he enjoys spending time with his family, also the joy of learning and the process of growth that is intrinsically tied to the divine.