
Welcome to Starfish for Faculty and Staff

Hello LETU Faculty & Staff! We’d like to let you know about how we can make serving our students more effective through Starfish, a new student success system. We know learning new systems is never a fun process, but we want to help make this as easy and beneficial as possible to you, our faculty & staff, and for our students.

Visit to log in.

Updating Your Profile

Click here to view a helpful "Getting Started Guide" PDF.

Some of your profile, such as your contact information, is imported from your LMS or SIS.

  1. Click on your name in the Top Navigation bar and select the Institutional Profile tab.
  2. Help students put a face to your name by using the Upload Photo link beneath your existing photo or placeholder to upload a photo. Browse to a photo file (.jpg, .png, or .gif), and then click the Upload Now button to update your photo.
  3. Edit your Phone and add an Alternate Email address to have Starfish send email to an address other than your institution email. Select the Both radio button to receive email at both accounts.
  4. Double check that the Time zone selected matches your time zone. This time zone will be used when including appointment times in emails from Starfish.
  5. Add information to the General Overview and My Biography sections to let students know a bit more about you. This information will appear to students who can make appointments with you in Starfish.
  6. Click the Submit button to save your changes

Demo Video: Updating your profile
Demo Video: Updating your office hours

Using Flags and Kudos

Starfish provides users with the ability to interact with their students through a number of tracking items, which may be used to raise alerts (Flag students), provide encouragement (give Kudos), and refer students to available people or campus resources (raise Referrals). Flags and Kudos are available through the Starfish Early Alert. Referrals are part of the Starfish Connect. Starfish Early Alert also includes a Progress Survey feature that can be used to quickly gather information from instructors at key moments in the term. Starfish Connect includes a Success Plan feature to raise sets of Referrals and to-do's that form a plan for student success.

Raise a Flag to alert the student and/or staff of a student issue or concern related to a course or to some other aspect of the student's academic career. Often a Flag triggers an email to the student about the Flag, with the comment that was made by the person who raised the Flag. Flags might also trigger email notifications to staff members.

Add Kudos to acknowledge positive progress/achievements of students. Kudos almost always include an email to the student with the comments of the person who is adding the Kudos.

System-Raised Alerts:

Starfish at LETU has system-raised alerts that are Flags raised automatically by Starfish based on specific data conditions. System flags include:

  • Course grade average lower than 70%
  • Anytime a student fails to log into Canvas for 7 consecutive days

System-raised alerts are processed as part of Starfish's daily processing. After Starfish has imported the most current data from your SIS and/or LMS (typically overnight), Starfish will evaluate which system-raised Flags should be triggered and raise Flags on the appropriate students. Notifications regarding these Flags will be sent after this processing has completed. System-raised Flags may also clear themselves automatically when the condition that caused the Flag to be raised no longer exists (e.g. a student's grade rises above the 70% threshold). 


Set Starfish Email Preferences

Navigate to your Profile

  • Log in to Starfish
  • Go to your profile
    • Click the triple bar or "hamburger" icon in the upper left
    • Then click on your name

How do I change how I am emailed by Starfish?

Starfish will email you a calendar item for each appointment and a summary of flag activity for your students.  Use the Email Notifications tab of your Profile to modify details of how and when you receive these notifications. For more information see: