GO Week Student Information

  • Schedule
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Workshops
  • Attending Agencies

Sunday, January 21

  • Time TBA                         Representative Registration, Orientation, & Welcome Dinner
  • 9:00 PM                           Student Led Prayer & Praise for the Nations

Monday, January 22

  • All Day                             Agency Displays Open in Allen Family Student Center (AFSC)
  • 10:35 AM                          Chapel
  • 6:00 PM                           Ice Cream Social - AFSC Patio

Tuesday, January 23

  • All Day                             Agency Displays Open in AFSC
  • 11:00 AM                          Chapel & Chai Party
  • 6:00 PM & 7:15 PM          Mission Focused Workshops (Heath Hardwick & Longview Hall)

Wednesday, January 24

  • All Day                              Agency Displays Open in AFSC
  • 10:35 AM                          All Campus Chapel
  • 6:00 PM                          Our World Cafe (Belcher Lobby)

Steve & Becky Cochrane

 Andre Huegel

Steve and Becky Cochrane met as students at LeTourneau in 1992.  They joined Avant Ministries in 2001 and headed to Mali, West Africa, where they served for many years as missionaries. After working in sub-Saharan Africa, in 2018 the Lord redirected their missionary journey to the rainforest of Southeast Alaska where they currently serve at Echo Ranch Bible Camp.  From 2018 to 2020, Steve and Becky got to return to LeTourneau as missionaries in residence. They love getting to spend time with college students to talk mission and how God is working in the world, whatever school project they are working on, or how to plan the next grand adventure.  

Each Seminar will be offered at 6:00 & 7:15. Seminars with multiple Agencies will be panel discussions. One Spiritual Formation Credit will be given for each seminar attended.

The God of Israel Will Reign 
What is going on in Israel and Gaza? Is there Scripture that gives insight into this conflict and how are Christians to respond to this crisis? We often hear about the God of Israel, but we also know He wants all nations to turn to Him for salvation. How do we reconcile this?

Facilitator: Alyssa Ruddell, Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Location: Heath Hardwick 104


Aviation & Missions
This popular seminar returns with a panel of many who serve the Lord using all aspects of their aviation training. Whether you plan to fly plans, service them, or use them in your ministry, this seminar will give you a chance to hear stories and ask questions about Aviation and Missions.

 Facilitators: Representatives from SEND North, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Kingdom Air Corp, & MARC
Location: Heath Hardwick 131


Tech, Engineering, & Missions
Another popular seminar for those who wondering how the Lord can use your degree in any field of Technology or Engineering. Are their places where these degrees are actually used in the daily work? Are people with the skill set for these jobs destined to a 9-5 desk job in the secular work force? Does what I build matter? Does what I program matter? These questions and more will be addressed in this seminar.

Facilitators: Representatives from LightSys, Galcom, Tech Team, and SonSet
Location: Heath Hardwick 139


Missions Begins at LeTourneau
This seminar will not doubt be full of laughter as a panel of alumni answer questions about how God used LeTourneau to deep their faith, call them to ministry, and solidify their vocation. The panel will discuss some of their fondest memories of LeTourneau, some time at LeTourneau that were hard, memories of days they had no idea what God had for them. But also stories of God’s great faithfulness, grace, and mercy!

Facilitators: Jim Newman (MMS), Steve Cochrane (Avant Ministries), Jeff Irving (UIM), and Wil Manchester (Righteous Rides)
Location: Longview Hall 136


Does being in missions mean I’ll be poor?
Join us for a panel discussion about the nitty gritty of finances in ministry. Will you have to raise your own support? Will you only have secondhand clothing? Will your kids go hungry? What if you have debt? Hear answers to these questions as well as stories of God’s amazing provision for missionaries who have trusted God for finances for both themselves and their organizations.

Facilitators: Agency representatives from Cru, SEND North, and others
Location: Longview Hall 137



Is There a Pre-Test?
Members of this panel all serve in ministries that offer short-term opportunities, internships, and intentional training prior to full-time ministry commitment. Panelists will answer your questions about how to be prepared, what to expect, how to “test the waters” of ministry and other concerns you might have.

Facilitators: Agency representatives from Ethnos360, Café 1040, STC Guatemala, & Next Step Ministries
Location: Heath Hardwick 105


These agencies have registered for GO Week 2024!

Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Africa Inland Mission
Ancient Path Ministries
Avant Ministries
Beloved and Beyond
Cafe 1040
Echo Ranch BIble Camp
EFCA ReachGlobal Crisis Response
Ethnos 360
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Galcom International
Greater Europe Mission
Kingdom Air Corps
Liebenzell US
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Next Step Ministries
Pioneer Bible Translators
Righteous Rides
SEND North
Signs of Love
SonSet Solutions
STC Guatemala
TECH Team Advantage
TLAfrica, Inc
Tri-Grace Ministries
UIM International
Village Schools International
YWAM Tyler