ResLife Forms

Considering moving to the Village Apartments? Getting married? Don't know what to do to get a room on campus? You're in the right place. If you have any questions about the applications, forms, or anything else related to living on-campus, send us an email and we can help you out! Otherwise, check out the sections below.


One element of our educational philosophy at LeTourneau is that students learn better when they live together on campus. This residential model shapes the way that we operate the office of Residence Life from our policies, to programs, to the design of our ResHalls. One outcome of this philosophy is our requirement for our traditional students to live on-campus. So what that means for you is that you should plan on living on campus until you meet one of the exceptions listed in the off-campus section at the bottom of this page.

Click on the sections below to get started.

On-Campus Housing

LETU Housing Portal

LeTourneau University offers housing in 10 distinct living areas of campus, so we have something just for you!! New or Returning; Single or Married; Graduate or UnderGrad; Fall, Spring, or Summer - all the applications you need are located on our Housing Portal.

The housing applications on the portal are available to accepted students only. If you've just been accepted to LETU, it may take 1-2 business days for your account to be created. Also, for new students, deposits are typically processed the next business morning after payment.

Other On-Campus Housing Forms

2024-2025 Single Room Request Form

In some circumstance, students may request a room without a roommate. This form is used to request a single room. It is very uncommon that a new student will be granted such a request. Please read the Private Room Request Form for more details.

For new students applying for the Quad Houses (Durham, Carpenter, Howe, and McKinley), please fill out the Private Room Request, in addition to the New Student Housing Application located on the Housing Portal.

2024-2025 Village Apartment Application

The on-campus apartments provide a living option for our upper-division students that gives more freedom and flexibility. To qualify, you must have a 2.5 GPA and at least 60 hours completed (Junior status).

For full consideration, payment of the $100 application fee through the Cashier is required. Once decisions are made, this fee will be applied to your student account. Village Apartment Application

Off-Campus Petition

One element of our educational philosophy is that students learn better when they live together on campus. One outcome of this educational philosophy is our requirement for all traditional undergraduate students to live on-campus. We do, however, provide for a few exemptions from this policy:

  • You are married, or a parent with residential custody of your child,
  • You will be living locally (within 40 miles) at home with your parent(s) or legal guardian,
  • You will be 22 years of age or older by the first day of class,
  • You are enrolled as a part-time student with six or fewer academic hours,
  • You have served a least 2 years of continuous active military duty,
  • You have already received a four-year degree from a college or university.

After being at LETU, we provide additional exceptions for students who have thrived in our community. Additional residency exemptions are available for:

  • Continuing LETU students who have attended LETU for at least four years (8 Fall/Spring semesters),
  • Continuing LETU students who have reached Senior status (91 credit hours) while maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA with no academic or disciplinary probation during the previous 3 semesters.

If the above situations do not apply to you, plan on living on campus until you meet at least one of the criteria.

The Off-Campus petition is available on the LETU Housing Portal