Profile Photo: Debbie McGinness, M.Ed.

McGinness, M.Ed.

Phone: 903.233.4473

  • Academic Support Specialist


B.S. Biology, Idaho State University

Secondary Teaching Certificate, Idaho State University

M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, LeTourneau University

Professional Experience

Since 2009, Debbie has served as the Assistant Director for Academic Support at LeTourneau and supervised the Math Lab, Tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction (SI) programs. Within that time, she also served as Interim Director of the Achievement Center for almost a year. She has attended several professional conferences and received training for Supplemental Instruction (SI) and tutoring. Debbie has been a presenter for the Regional SI Conference at Texas A & M.

Prior to coming to LeTourneau, Debbie taught primarily math and science at the junior high and high school level in both public and Christian private schools. Additionally, she has served as an administrator for a Christian private school and received training in Classical Education.

Personal Background

Debbie is Texas-born but has lived in California, Idaho, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Vermont. She became a Christian through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ as a freshman in college. Her favorite activities include travel, gardening, outdoor activities, and especially spending time with her husband and two children.  

Her favorite aspect of the university is the opportunity to work with LeTourneau students who are very gifted, committed, and possess a desire to serve others. Debbie finds it both inspiring and encouraging to be a part of their time here, knowing that they will take these qualities out into the work force and their communities.