Profile Photo: Kristy Morgan, Ph.D.

Morgan, Ph.D.

Phone: 903.233.4410

  • Vice President for Student Affairs


Ph.D. Counseling and Student Development, Kansas State University

M.S. Student Counseling and Personnel Services. Kansas State University

B.A. Youth Ministries, Colorado Christian University

Personal Bio

Kristy has wanted to work in Student Affairs since her freshman year of college, when she realized what a great intersection of ministry and education Higher Education could be. She served in Residence Life, Career Services, and Retention roles before moving into the Dean of Students and then VP for Student Affairs position. In her current role, she serves on the President’s Cabinet and oversees Student Life, which includes most of what happens outside of the classroom at LETU.

Kristy believes that college changes lives and loves being able to work alongside and for students as they become more of the people God has called them to be. She is past President of the Association for Christians in Student Development, a professional association for Christians working in the field of Student Affairs.

Kristy is married and has four kids who keep life exciting and hilarious. Her favorite thing about LETU Is the students and is continually impressed, entertained, encouraged, and grateful for the opportunity to serve them.