Ceremony Participants

  • Day-of Details
  • Calendar of Activities
  • Commencement Speaker
  • Name Pronunciation
  • Regalia
  • Photography

May 10th, 2025, Commencement

10:00 a.m.

  • School of Arts & Sciences
  • School of Aviation & Aeronautical Science
  • School of Education
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Theology & Vocation  

2:00 p.m. 

  • School of Business
  • School of Engineering & Engineering Technology
  • School of Psychology & Counseling

What It Looks Like for Graduates

  • The Allen Family Student Center Lobby will open 2 hours prior to the ceremony (8:00 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. ceremony and 12:00 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. ceremony) for students to pick up their cap and gown, announcing cards, honors medals or cords. Facilitators will be present to help you move through the lines. Students will then move to the AFSC Great Room for line-up and final instructions. You are to be in regalia, seated and ready for final instructions no later than 9:30 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. ceremony and 1:30 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. ceremony. This applies to student athletes as well. Please leave all personal belongings with family or in a secure place prior to arriving at the student center. You will not be returning to this location, and it is not a secured area. It is recommended that you wear comfortable shoes as you will need to walk to the Belcher Center for the ceremony, a five minute walk. If you will need assistance getting from AFSC to the Belcher Center, please contact the Provost's Office (officeoftheprovost@letu.edu) by April 15th. 
  • When it is time for the processional, you will leave the AFSC in one line. It is very important that you stay in line. The line marshals will count off the proper number of students for each row. Move quickly and stand directly in front of your seat. Do not leave any empty spaces. Remain standing until after the invocation. You will need to give your announcing card with your name and major to the on-stage announcer. Do not lose it.


  • On-Campus Graduates: Please park in your dormitory parking lot. Graduates residing in Tyler West dormitory, please park in the Tyler East or Trinity parking lot to help make extra room for your families and guests.
  • Online Graduates: Please park at the Margaret Estes Library parking lot (turn right onto Glaske Dr upon entering campus). Overflow parking for non-traditional graduates will be at the Solheim Activity Center across the street to the south from the library lot.

Thursday, May 8

Nursing Pinning Ceremony: 6:00 p.m. (Belcher Center). This historical ceremony welcomes students into the nursing profession. Address questions to the School of Nursing. 

Friday, May 9

Senior Breakfast: 9:30-10:30 a.m. (Allen Family Student Center). An invitation will be sent closer to graduation day. Please fill out the Senior Breakfast Reservation Form. Address questions to studentlife@letu.edu. Please R.S.V.P. by April 15th.

Servant Statue Ceremony: 3:00 p.m. (Belcher Center by the Servant statue). Hosted by Student Life. Attendance requested of all graduates. Graduates will be presented with their graduation gift which is a desk-sized copy of the Servant statue.

Graduate Reception: 3:30 p.m. (Allen Family Student Center Commons Area). No tickets required; guests welcome. You can R.S.V.P by filling out The Graduate Reception Reservation Form. Please R.S.V.P. by April 15th.


Saturday, May 10

Online Education Pinning Ceremony: Please contact the School of Education for time and location.

Cap & Gown Pick-up: All graduates must pick up their cap & gown and registration cards in AFSC Great Room at the time designated below for your academic school. Regalia cannot be provided earlier than this. Honors medals/cords will also be distributed at this time to anyone not able to attend the reception.

  • 8:00 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. Aviation & Aeronautical Science, Arts & Sciences, Education, Nursing, Theology & Vocation.
  • 12:00 p.m. – 1:20 p.m. Business, Engineering & Engineering Technology, Psychology & Counseling.

Student Line-up and Final Instructions: AFSC Great Room. Students must be in your chair and ready for the line-up and final instructions by the time indicated for your school:

  • No later than 9:30 a.m. Arts & Sciences, Aviation & Aeronautical Science, Education, Nursing, Theology & Vocation.
  • No later than 1:30 p.m. Business, Engineering & Engineering Technology, Psychology & Counseling.

Commencement Speaker information coming soon.


You can call in the pronunciation of your name so that it can be announced correctly at Commencement.

Call 903-233-3215 and repeat the following phrase TWICE after the recording:

“My Student ID is ______ and my name is ______.”

Do not exaggerate your name. Simply say your name as you would introducing yourself in a conversation. Overstating your name could change the way it sounds. Please call by the deadline of April 15th. 

Ceremony Regalia

All caps, gowns, and honors cords will be provided the day of the ceremony by the University through our vendor, Jostens. Regalia can only be provided on the day of the ceremony. You may keep all regalia.

Regalia Policy

Graduation stoles may be worn to highlight a student's academic or extracurricular achievement or to denote their affiliation with a particular group or field of study. Stoles should be respectful of the mission and ideals of LeTourneau University. 

Honors College

Seniors that are currently in the Honors College and want to be recognized at the ceremony with this distinction, please contact Dr. Johnson’s office.  

International Sashes

If you are a graduating international student, study abroad student, Global Service Learning participant, third culture kid (TCK), or missionary kid (MK), you are eligible to order an international sash that reflects the flag colors of your chosen country. Please fill out the International Sash Order Form by April 1st.

Veteran Cords

LeTourneau is proud to recognize graduating veterans and active-duty military personnel for service to their country by offering special red, white and blue cords to be worn with academic regalia during commencement. These cords are available through the Registrar’s Office upon verification of military status. Contact the Registrar (Registrar@letu.edu) for more detailed instructions by April 1st.

Professional Photography 

Juays Photography, a commercial photographer who operates independently of LeTourneau University, will provide a candid photography service at the ceremony. Each graduate will have his/her picture taken at the moment he/she shakes the president's hand, and directly after walking across the stage. These can be viewed and purchased at Juays Photography.

Live stream

A live stream of both ceremonies will be available on letu.edu/graduation the day of. Afterward, links to the recordings will be available on our graduation video page for on-demand viewing.

Note: Participation in commencement does not ensure the conferring of a degree. The Registrar confers all degrees after certification that all degree requirements have been met.