Profile Photo: Vicki Sheafer, Ph.D.

Sheafer, Ph.D.

Phone: 903.233.3484

  • Dean, School of Psychology & Counseling

  • Professor of Psychology

Personal Statement

When I left Cincinnati to come to LeTourneau many years ago, a friend of mine gave me a verse:

Mark 10:29-30 says that "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age and in the age to come, eternal life." This promise has been fulfilled in my life, time and time again, as God has poured out abundant mercy.

At LeTourneau University, we work together to prepare workers for the harvest. In a dark and dying world, Christian psychologists can be salt and light to the lost. We are in the business of training "missionaries."



Dr. Sheafer was born on a military base in Great Falls, Montana, but grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is an active member of Pine Forest Baptist Church in Hallsville, Texas, where she sings in the choir and serves as a substitute teacher whenever needed.

Dr. Sheafer's hobbies all revolve around sports and music. She plays basketball, softball, tennis, racquetball, soccer, volleyball, and runs in local races. She also stays up way too late watching Sports Center on ESPN.


Research Interests

Dr. Sheafer's research interests involve the scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology, with particular focus on quality teaching methodologies and student engagement. She has done work on creativity with a colleague in engineering under an NSF grant.  She also works with the Wheels Project, doing questionnaire research and statistical analysis.



  • Ph.D., 1994, Miami University, Social Psychology
  • M.A., 1992, Miami University, Social Psychology
  • B.S., 1990, Union College, Psychology and Sociology


Courses Taught

  • PSYC 2013 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC 2163 Personality Theory
  • PSYC 3303 History and Systems of Psychology
  • PSYC 3403 Learning and Cognition
  • PSYC 3503 Psychology of Gender
  • PSYC 4113 Social Psychology
  • PSYC 4503 Physiological Psychology
  • PSYC 4603 Statistics and Research Methods I
  • PSYC 4703 Statistics and Research Methods II

Publications & Presentations

  • Bane, H. M., & Sheafer, V. (2024, March 28-30). Construction of the Christian Meta-Anxiety Scale: Face validity and content validity. [Conference presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States.
  • Elacqua, T. C., Sheafer, V., & Morgan, A. D. (2024, March 28-30). Integrative educational outcomes: A Quantitative Comparative Study of Online Versus On-ground Methods. [Poster presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Sheafer, V. (2023, March 31-April 2). Daily versus weekly quizzes: Is there a significant difference in learning? [Conference presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Frisco, TX, United States.
  • Pitman, H., & Sheafer, V. (2023, March 31-April 2). Do explanation videos for difficult exam concepts increase learning in online classes? [Poster presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Frisco, TX.
  • Sheafer, V. (2023, January 3-6). Using student created podcasts as an example of constructivist learning activities [Poster presentation]. National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL.
  • Sheafer, V. (2022, October 21-22). Using student created podcasts as an example of constructivist learning activities [Poster presentation]. Annual Conference on Teaching, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Sheafer, V. (2022, April 8-10). Using student created podcasts as an example of constructivist learning activities [Conference presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, United States.
  • Sheafer, V. (2021). A psychology and counseling global service-learning project in Cuba. In H. Scherschel (Ed.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2019-2020 (p. 96). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website: 
  • Elacqua, T., & Sheafer, V. (2021, April 9-11). A preliminary investigation of PsycLearn: An online learning platform to enhance student learning [Conference presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States.
  • Sheafer, V. (2021, April 9-11). A psychology and counseling global service-learning project in Cuba [Conference presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States.
  • Elacqua, T. C., Sheafer, V., & Guest, L. (2020). Living in freedom: A Biblical roadmap for navigating life’s pain. Westbow
  • Bane, H. M., Sheafer, V., & Rispin, K. (2020). Preliminary test-retest reliability of the Wheelchair Satisfaction Questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2020.1800115
  • Sheafer, V. A Psychology and Counseling Global-Service Learning Project in Cuba. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 5, 2020.
  • Bane, H. M., Sheafer, V., & Rispin, K. (2019). Face and content validity for the Wheelchair Satisfaction Questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1684579
  • Layton, N., Rispin, K., & Sheafer, V. (28 August 2019). Continuous Outcome Scaling: A Discriminative Method for Person-Centered Assistive Technology Outcomes Studies. Technology and Disability Special Issue: AAATE 2019 Conference Global Challenge in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice, 31(Supplement 1), S169-170.
  • Weaver, M. B., Caldwell, B. W., & Sheafer, V. (2019). Interpreting Measures of Rarity and Novelty: Investigating Correlations between Relative Infrequency and Perceived Ratings. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Anaheim, CA. August 20, 2019.
  • Davis, A.B., Sheafer, V., Rispin, K., & Layton, N. (2019). The inter-rater reliability of the Wheelchair Interface Questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, doi: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1646816
  • Sheafer, V. (2019). A class without cell phones. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM. April 5, 2019.
  • Bane, H. M., Sheafer, V., & Rispin, K. (2019). Reliability of the Wheelchair Satisfaction Questionnaire. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM. April 5, 2019.
  • Rispin, K., Davis, A.B., Sheafer, V.L., & Wee, J. (2019). Development of the Wheelchair Interface Questionnaire and initial face and content validity. African Journal of Disability, 8(0), a520. 10.4102/ajod.v8i0.520
  • Bane, H. M., Sheafer, V., & Rispin, K. (2019). Reliability of the Wheelchair Satisfaction Questionnaire. Presented at the 39th Annual International Seating Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA. March 21, 2019.
  • Davis, A. B., Rispin, K., & Sheafer, V. (2019). Interrater reliability of the Wheelchair Interface Questionnaire. Presented at the 39th Annual International Seating Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA. March 21, 2019.  
  • Sheafer, V. (2018). A daily metacognitive reflection assignment. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. Houston, TX. April 13, 2018
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). The effect of a daily metacognitive assignment on exam grades. Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. San Antonio, TX. October 20, 2017.
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). Faith Integration and Metacognition. Presented at the Excellence in Teaching Conference. Longview, TX. August 11, 2017.
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). A Demonstration on Gender Differences in Schematic Processing of Ambiguous Words. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference.  San Antonio, TX. March 31, 2017.
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). Using service learning to teach classic learning theories. In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:  
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). Using digital storytelling to teach psychology: A preliminary investigation. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 16(1), 133-143. doi: 10.1177/1475725716685537 
  • Sheafer, V. (2017). Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories In W. Altman, L. Stein, & J.E. Westfall (Eds.), Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching (Vol. 16, pp. 5-8). (Access via the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site.)
  • Sheafer, V. Humans of Longview: Using Social Media in Psychology Courses. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 5, 2017.
  • Sheafer, V. (2016, June 22). Service learning - Everybody's doing it! You should too [Web blog post]. (Access online)
  • Sheafer, V. (2016). Humans of Longview: Using Social Media in Psychology Courses. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. Dallas, TX. April 9, 2016.
  • Sheafer, V. (2016). Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories In W. Altman, L. Stein, & J.E. Westfall (Eds.), Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching (Vol. 16, pp. 5-8). (Access via the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site)
  • Sheafer, V. (2016). Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 5, 2016.
  • Sheafer, V. (2015). Using Courses to Increase Cultural Intelligence. Presented at the LeTourneau University Excellence in Teaching Conference. Longview, TX. August 14, 2015.
  • Sheafer, V. (2015). Can a Social Psychology Course Increase Cultural Intelligence? Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. Wichita, KS. April 10, 2015.
  • Sheafer, V. (2014). Using service learning to teach classic learning theories. Psychology Journal, 11 (2), 77-82.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories. Presented at the Best Practices: Research-Based Approaches for Teaching Psychology Conference. Atlanta, GA. October 10, 2014.
  • Lamb, M., Elacqua, T., & Sheafer, V. Struggles Christian Women Experience and the Strategies They Use to Cope. Presented at the 7th Annual East Texas Psi Chi Research Conference. Tyler, TX, April 26, 2014.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 3, 2014.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology-Revised. Presented at the Best Practices: Research-Based Approaches for Teaching Psychology Conference. Atlanta, GA. October 11, 2013.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology-Revised. Presented at the Excellence in Teaching Conference. Longview, TX. August 16, 2013.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology. Presented at the SWPA/SWTOP conference. Fort Worth, TX, April 5, 2013.
  • Sheafer, V. Enriching Multiple Courses with the Use of an Extra-Credit Assignment. Presented at the Excellence in Teaching Conference. Longview, TX. August 17, 2012.
  • Sheafer, V. Enriching Multiple Courses with the Use of an Extra-Credit Assignment. Presented at the SWPA/SWTOP conference. Oklahoma City, OK, April 13, 2012.
  • Sheafer, V. Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 3, 2012.
  • Sheafer, V. (2011). Enriching multiple psychology courses with the use of an extra credit assignment. Psychology Journal, 8 (3), 118-122.
  • Sheafer, V. The Psychology Club as an Integral Part of the Undergraduate Experience. Presentation at the SWTOP/SWPA conference. San Antonio, TX. April 9, 2011.
  • Sheafer, V. Enriching Multiple Psychology Courses with the Use of an Extra Credit Assignment. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 3, 2011.
  • Sheafer, V. The Psychology Club as an Integral Part of the Undergraduate Experience. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology conference. St. Pete Beach, FL. January 4, 2011.

Awards, Grants & Certifications

  • Was awarded a Faculty Scholarship Grant from the Office of the Provost in the amount of $1,000.00 for a project entitled "Establishing the Face and Content Validity of the Wheelchair Satisfaction Questionnaire." April, 2018.
  • Was awarded a Faculty Scholarship Grant from the Office of the Provost in the amount of $600.00 for a project entitled "Metacognition and Faith Integration" April, 2017.
  • Awarded the Robert H. Selby Teaching Scholar Award in 2009-2010 and 2015-2016.
  • Named the Outstanding Professor for the College of Health Sciences, 2015-2016.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Teaching Excellence, February, 2016.
  • Was awarded a Faculty Scholarship Grant from the Office of the Provost in the amount of $1,400.00 for a project entitled "Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories." April, 2015.
  • named Dr. Sheafer one of the Top 23 Psychology Professors in the state of Texas. December, 2012.
  • Awarded the Frank Costin Memorial Award for Excellence (including a certificate, a check for $250, and a complimentary registration at a future National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology conference) for the poster judged by Institute faculty as best promoting quality teaching methods was presented to Vicki Sheafer for her poster entitled "Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology." Notified May 25, 2012.
  • Awarded LeTourneau University Student Body Certificate of Appreciation for the Academic Year 2011-2012 by the Student Body Senate.
  • Awarded a Faculty Development Grant through the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in the amount of $1250.00 for a project entitled "Using Drama to Enhance Learning of Classic Experiments in Social Psychology." January, 2012.

Professional Activities

  • American Psychology Association (APA)
  • Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP)
  • Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA)
  • Southwestern Teachers of Psychology (SWTOP) (Steering Committee member)
  • Psi Chi (Member and Faculty Advisor for LETU Chapter)

Community Involvement

  • Advisory Board member for Ancient Path Ministries, which links churches in the United States to churches in Cuba.
  • Advisory Board member for Operation True North, a non-profit ministry to provide comprehensive mental health services to Veterans.

Snapshots Episode 14: Dr. Vicki Sheafer