Student Opportunities


To help prepare you for your career in psychology, we encourage you to do an internship to practice what you learn in the classroom. Getting involved will grow and develop your skills beyond the classroom and prepare you for the future. The School of Psychology & Counseling provides several options ranging from local organizations to those across the country and across the globe. Contact the Director of Clinical Training, within the School of Psychology & Counseling, for specific information about possible sites that may be available for this exciting portion of your education.


Psi Chi, the international Honor Society in Psychology

An honor society is an organization, usually made up of members and chapters that exists to recognize scholastic achievement, and to encourage leadership, research, and creativity, often within a particular discipline.  Psi Chi was founded September 4, 1929, during the 9th International Congress of Psychology and is the largest student psychological organization with over 600,000 members.  The LeTourneau University Psi Chi Chapter was founded November 12, 2011 with 12 Charter Student Members, and three LETU Faculty members.  The mission of Psi Chi is to produce a well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible member committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general.  In pursuit of Psi Chi’s mission we will:

  1. Advance the science and profession of psychology.
  2. Promote an educational experience consistent with the mission.
  3. Promote ethical and socially responsible members and leaders.
  4. Define and establish an organizational structure that promotes the mission.
  5. Recognize and foster the contributions that diversity makes to the science and practice of psychology.


The purpose of Kappa Psi Delta (Psychology Club) is to give all LeTourneau University students with an interest in psychology an avenue through which to further their spiritual, academic, and social life.  The club was founded September 1, 2002, when it was officially recognized by the LeTourneau University Student Senate.  Dr. Vicki Sheafer has served as the Faculty Sponsor since 2002.  The Psychology Club holds regular meetings so that members can meet one another and get to know other students with similar interests by being made aware of new advances in the field of psychology, performs community service, and socializes, fellowships, and learns together.  The club is open to any LETU student with an interest in psychology.

Recent psychology club activities:

  • Every year traditions include the Back-to-School Party, the Christmas Party, and the Year-End Party (and other social events throughout the school year),
  • Service projects (Fall and Spring),
  • Educational programming, and
  • Providing scholarships for student attendance/presentation at Professional conferences.

For more information about both Psi Chi and Kappa Psi Delta, contact the Faculty Sponsor, Dr. Vicki Sheafer at