Office of Institutional Research & Sponsored Programs Information

  • Sponsors
  • Students
  • Faculty

Sponsors of LeTourneau University's Office of Institutional Research & Sponsored Programs represent a wide range of companies, individuals and government agencies that include some of the best-known and largest organizations in the nation. A sampling of completed projects includes:

  • A welding process used on nuclear fuel rods for the Westinghouse Electric Corporation
  • Waterproofing techniques for NASA Space Shuttle tiles
  • An intelligent prosthetic arm prototype for the National Science Foundation
  • Weldability tests and analyses for the American Iron and Steel Institute
  • A metallurgy study for STEMCO, Inc.
  • A thermodynamic model for manufacturing at Solar Atmospheres
  • Techniques to detect corrosion in painted metals for the U.S. Navy
  • Weldability analyses for Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's Advanced Technology Program
  • Engineering analysis and design of a new children's swing for Graco
  • A robotic welding procedure for A.O. Smith Co. / General Motors
  • An intensive cable TV marketing study


"The laboratory facilities, the quality of students who participated and the direction provided by professors are absolutely top-notch."

Robert Nichols, P.E.,
Manager of Metallurgy,
Lone Star Steel Co.

"...[Dr. Gonzalez] has had remarkable success in developing a respectable research program at an undergraduate institution."

National Science Foundation

"The LeTourneau team was able to resolve a major technical problem at an extremely reasonable cost."

Tom Silvey,
Manager of Manufacturing
and Industrial Engineering,
Westinghouse Electric

"The result of this (plasma) study will help NASA engineers improve their numerical simulation of high-speed and high-altitude flight..."

Dr. Carl Scott,
Aerothermodynamics Group Leader,
NASA Johnson Space Center

"LeTourneau University has the most impressive undergraduate biomedical research program I have ever seen. LeTourneau's biomedical undergraduate research program offers students a unique hands-on, practical experience."

Thomas S. Buchanan,
Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Delaware

Working on research projects offers students the opportunity to earn income while gaining valuable "hands-on" experience in fields related to their chosen careers. For any research involving Human Beings, you are required to submit an IRB protocol. 


If you are interested in working on a research project here at LeTourneau, contact the Office of Institutional Research & Sponsored Programs. You may drop by our office, or you may contact us by phone or e-mail. Our normal office hours are 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday.

Wendy Whitmire, Senior, Office of Institutional Research & Sponsored Programs



Foundation Center

National Science Foundation (NSF)


  • To begin the process of creating and submitting a grant proposal to an external sponsor (funder), refer to the policy and procedures.
  • To begin the process of submitting a grant (or contract) proposal use the online form in Dynamic Forms.  This form includes the IRB proposal form.

If you have trouble accessing the web page or uploading the necessary information, contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at 3980.